There are indoor plants that can alleviate allergy symptoms by purifying the air in your home. Here is a list of toxins that houseplants remove from the air during their amazing purifying process.
Suffering from allergies and asthma is no joke! If you are one of the unfortunate people who do suffer, then you know that pollen and air pollution can aggravate your symptoms. Oh the sneezing, the wheezing, the itchy eyes and itchy skin. It’s annoying and nobody wants miserable side effects. Most americans these days spend most of their time indoors. While there is a plethora of toxins outdoors, there is a truck load of toxins lurking inside your home.
New energy efficient homes are amazing but they are more air tight, holding in more indoor air pollution which isn’t great for the allergy and asthma sufferer. There are medicines that can help but there are also more natural ways to aid in alleviating your symptoms.
How you ask? Indoor plants. Yes, you read that correctly. Plants! There are many indoor plants that can help relieve allergy symptoms by purifying the air in your home.
Here is a list of toxins that houseplants remove from the air during their amazing purifying process:
Toluene – This colorless water soluble liquid smells similar to paint thinner. It is used as paint lacquer thinner in dyeing agents and also fuel. It is in nail polish remover, glues and correction fluids.
Xylene – This colorless liquid and vapor has many uses but is commonly used as a lubricant. It is found in paint, paint thinners, polishes, waxes, gasoline, motor oils, glues and even cigarettes. It can also be found in disinfectants, pesticides, and in printer, rubber and leather processing.
Carbon Monoxide – A well known odorless, colorless gas that can be deadly. It is formed when fuels are not fully burned.
Formaldehyde – A naturally occurring colorless, strong smelling gas that is commonly used in making building materials and household
products. It is found in particleboard, fiberboard, plywood and adhesives. It is also used to treat paper bags, paper towels, napkins,
and tissues. It is also used as a preservative in funeral homes and medical labs.
Benzene – Another commonly used chemical which is formed from a natural processes such as forest fires and volcanoes. It is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor. Benzene is mainly used in making other chemicals such as plastics, lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, and pesticides. It also naturally occurs in crude oil, gasoline and cigarette smoke.
Trichloroethylene – A colorless, volatile liquid that is used mainly in commercial applications. It’s function it to remove grease and it can also be found at the dry cleaners for spot removal and in some aerosol cleaning products.
Because the above toxins can trigger allergic reactions or aggravate sinuses, adding hypoallergenic house plants to your interior will help to alleviate your symptoms. Even if you don’t suffer from allergies, house plants lower pollen count and have other beneficial affects inside your abode.
Here are nine indoor houseplants that will improve indoor air quality and your allergies!
1. Golden Pothos – This plant is rated in the top three by NASA for removing formaldehyde. While it helps to purify the air, it is toxic to humans and animals. So keep this plant out of reach of little humans and fur babies!
2. Philodendron – This plant is also great at controlling levels of formaldehyde. This plant is also mildly toxic to humans and animals.
3. Gerber Daisy – This beautiful flower comes in an array of vibrant colors and is great for filtering out benzene among other toxins. Also removes trichloroethylene and is not not poisonous to humans or animals. The perfect indoor plant.
4. Dracaena – This attractive plant removes multiple toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. It also takes allergens out of the air and holds it in its leaves. It can be mildly toxic to pets if ingested, especially in small pets. It is not known to be toxic to humans or pets but could cause a reaction in those with heightened sensitivities if ingested.
5. Peace Lily – This popular plant cleans formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene from the air as well as absorbs mold spores. These plants are toxic to humans and pets so keep out of reach!
6. Snake plant or Mother-In-Law Tongue – Another popular indoor plant, the snake plant removes toxins such as nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene, trichlorethylene, and formaldehyde. This is also toxic to humans and pets!
7. Areca Palm – Gorgeous and larger in side, the Areca Palm is known to remove formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. It is a natural humidifier which improves nasal congestion and irritation. This palm has no known toxic properties making it safe to have in homes with children and pets!
8. Lady Palm – this palm is very similar to the Areca Palm in that it removes formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air in your home. It also removes ammonia, making this a great houseplant for homes with cats. There are no known toxic properties with this plant.
9. Bamboo Palm – This talented and attractive indoor plant does an air transformation, converting carbon monoxide into oxygen. It also removes formaldehyde, benzene and toluene. There are no known toxins associated with this palm making it great for homes with children and pets!
A reminder:
Now that we have your list of indoor plants you can purchase, remember to dust your new friends with mild soap and water so they continue to filter the air.
In addition to your indoor plants, sometimes you need just a bit more protection. Advanced Air is proud to carry the revolutionary Trane CleanEffects™ air filtration system. Check it out to see how it can drastically improve the air quality in your home or business.